Team Module

Multiple translators working on the same project?

Wish you could start the revision process early?

Translation Memory allows translators and revisers working on a project to immediately benefit from each other's work. MultiTrans’ Team Server enables sharing propagation memories in real time which means that translated segments can now be made immediately available to everyone working on a project, thereby improving the consistency and efficiency of the entire translation supply chain.


The Team Module records, in real-time, every sentence translated through the translation agent.  As each sentence is translated, the Translation Agent queries the Team Module and the TextBase server at the same time.  Since the newly translated sentence becomes immediately available for recycling, your team members need not wait until the TextBase is updated before they are able to reuse segments. 

The Team Module also reduces project timelines significantly as it facilitates real-time revision of the propagation memory segments.  With this module, revisers can begin reviewing while the documents are still being translated.