Why should you take control of multilingual assets?

  • Do not let external vendors be in control of your linguistic destiny, and lose your intellectual property over your translations that you have paid for.
  • Guard your intellectual property by maintaining control over translations you have already paid for.
  • Ensure that all vendors and their suppliers are using your preferred terminology, and recycle your previous translations efficiently.
  • Build your language assets internally, to be used by authors, reviewers, internal or external project managers, terminologists and translators, and other departments such as legal, marketing, etc.


What does it mean to take control?

  • Repatriate your multilingual document repositories and translation memories under an internal or hosted TextBase TM, to which you allow internal and external contributors controlled access.
  • Repatriate your terminology databases under an internal or hosted TermBase, to which you allow internal and external contributors have controlled access.
  • Fully own the intellectual property of not only your source documents, but also your translations, translation memories, and terminology databases.