MultiTrans 4 Translation Extractor

Rapidly unlock and extract multilingual terminology from your previously translated documentation.

The MultiTrans 4 Translation Extractor uses sophisticated algorithms to extract terminology from your TextBase Translation Memories and to identify and retrieve the corresponding translations in multiple languages. The system then displays a list of possible translations per expression for your validation. This unique approach enables you to quickly leverage the information contained in your TextBase TM into large and specialized terminology databases.

  • Purely statistical extraction algorithms adapt to any language;
  • User-defined "exclude lists" reduce terminology extraction noise by eliminating specified expressions from consideration;
  • Proven technology provides fast, scalable performance – thousands of expressions (and their corresponding translations) can be extracted from TextBase TM containing millions of words in a matter of minutes.

Use the Translation Extractor in conjunction with MultiTrans TermBase to centralize your terminology assets and deploy them to all internal and external contributors.